Hair Growth Challenge 2021



Hello Peeps!

Back again with another Hair Growth Challenge for this year!

                                 Hair Growth Challenge 2021

Most of you know my weight loss - hair fall and growth story; most of you know the secret behind it and many of you did follow it consistently and grew back your locks too 😊

Those who have already done the HG Challenge 2019 and 2020 part 1 and part2, this is again a revamp of that!


The Goal behind this challenge is to make you consistent about eating healthy foods that promote hair growth and arrest hair fall/loss.


                                            This again is a TWO MONTHS Challenge!!


                                                         1 Feb 2021 – 31 Mar 2021


Here we go:

The following are good for hair growth: (In no particular order)

Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E




Vitamin B (B6, B12, Biotin)


We are going to include these essential nutrients in our diet consistently for the next two months – That’s our Hair Care Challenge 😊 <3

Sounds simple but as you all know – CONSISTENCY MATTERS



1.       On Day 1: Feb 1st   – Take a picture of your hair (any thinning areas), make note of the intensity of hair fall, measure the length

2.       Follow your comfortable IF window from Feb 1st – Mar 31st      

3.       Consume the products mentioned in Daily List for these 2 months (Including them in your regular diet)

4.       Consume the products mentioned in Weekly List minimum 2-3 times a week (Including your daily food intake- Meaning they can be part of your weekly diet)

5.       Skipping a single day of Daily List will EXCLUDE you from the challenge – Yes, we must be consistent 😊

6.       On the last day: Mar 31st - Again take a picture of your hair, see if there is any difference and check hair fall intensity and length!




I was told a solid month is enough to show IMPROVEMENTS in hair and skin, we are going to take two solid months- I already tested this and it works!!!!! 😊


Daily List    :  Mandatory products to consume daily

Weekly List:  Products to consume min 2 times a week for good results.

Aiswarya Pandiyan



Daily List: This is in addition to your daily food intake.                                                                      

                                                            Aiswarya Pandiyan






Take min 5 overnight soaked almonds

Detox Drink 1


Curry leaves+ +1 Amla

Detox green drink to start your day with.

Preparation: A small handful of curry leaves + one cut Amla and blend in a mixture. You can add water as required – make it a tumbler.

Detox Drink 2

Buttermilk + Flaxseed

Mix a teaspoon of flax seed powder with buttermilk + 2 sprigs of curry leaves + ½ teaspoon salt + 1 teaspoon jeera powder

Detox Drink 3

Carrot Cucumber Drink

2 Carrots + 1 cucumber + water blend and drink

Detox Drink 4

ABC Drink

1 Apple: 1 Beetroot: 1 Carrot + water

The above drinks you have to be consumed as mentioned below:


Eg: Day1(Mon) - Detox Drink 1          Day 5(Fri)- Detox Drink 1

      Day 2(Tue) - Detox Drink 2           Day 6 (Sat)– Detox Drink 2

      Day 3(Wed) - Detox Drink 3          Day 7(Sun) – Detox Drink 3

      Day 4 (Thu)- Detox Drink 4








Pumpkin seeds

1         Teaspoon each

(If you are following seed cycle take this on required days)


Ways to use:

-          Can powder the seeds add to buttermilk or water or salad or dosa batter or chapati dough

-          Eat the seeds raw (chew nicely)

-          Soak the seeds and eat

Sunflower seeds

Hemp seeds

Sesame seeds (black)

Chia Seeds

2 tablespoons in a glass or bottle of water

Halim/Aliv Seeds

1 teaspoon daily with lime water





One small cup of boiled legume per day


1-2 eggs/day


2 dates

Sea COD Oil

1-2 capsules per day (optional)

Moringa Capsule

1 per day (skip if not available)


3litres per day (min)




Weekly List: This is can be part of your daily intake too.

Aiswarya Pandiyan







Green Vegetables

Ladies Finger, Ivy gourd, Snake gourd, Beans

Leafy Greens

Kale, Lettuce, Spinach, Cabbage, Parsley



Sweet Potato






Capsicum (Red, Green, Yellow)















Lemon Juice








Whole wheat bread

Weekly once


Milk, Cheese slices, Paneer



Chicken Liver

















Almond + Banana + apple Shake

10 almonds + 1 banana + 1 apple + milk/water

Power shake

10almonds +2 cashews + hemp seeds powder+3 walnuts+ 1 tbsp chia seeds + 1 avocado/banana + milk

Green Shake

1 banana + 10 almonds 2 dates+ celery + curry leaves + steamed or boiled spinach

Healthy Shake

Strawberries + blueberries + figs + 1 tablespoon peanut butter +10almonds+ 5 walnuts + cacao nibs + milk

Ragi Shake

4 tablespoon cooked Ragi + 1 banana + 1 apple + 1tbsp chia seeds + 10almonds



 Yoga and exercises for hair Growth:


Aiswarya Pandiyan

Things to Avoid:

White Sugar

White Breads

Junk & Processed

Trans fats

Limit Coffee/Tea consumption



Who can follow this?

v  Anyone with hair fall issues due to deficiencies, postpartum, stress, genetic condition

v  This can be followed by Women, Men, Kids (reduce quantity of detox drink, nuts and seeds) – everything else is healthy


Seed Cycling:


Things to remember:

1.       Apart from the above-mentioned points -GOOD SLEEP is important for hair growth.

2.       Maintaining scalp cleanliness is important

3.       Limit time on social media / avoid using mobile during sleep hours/ avoid using mobile after switching off the light (in darkness)

4.       Follow your IF window consistently

5.       Sunlight is important source of Vitamin D so daily morning spend 10-30mins in natural sunlight. 

6.       Drinking min 3 litres of water daily

Hair Care Tips:

1.       Wash hair weekly 2-3 times ; Dry scalp 2 times.

2.       Its better to apply oil 2-3hrs before hair wash, warm the oil before use.

3.       Check out #magicoil_last in Instagram for the oil recipe

4.       After washing hair use diluted Apple Cider Vinegar (10ml in a mug of water) and pour over scalp as an after rinse and do not wash it off.

5.       Brush hair before you sleep

6.       Wash comb after every hair wash

7.       Follow the page for hair pack and hair care ideas throughout the challenge

Points to Note:

1.       Vegetarians can skip eggs and sea cod oil capsule in Daily List.

2.       Using small onions in cooking is said to be good for health + boost hair growth

3.       Cooking in coconut oil and adding coconut regularly to your diet will help with hair growth.

4.       You can take Daily List items in your eating window, how you accommodate these will be left for you to decide 😊

5.       The Shakes can be taken every day – you can add your daily dose of nuts and seeds here.

6.       This is not a mandatory challenge and I am not forcing anyone to follow this. I will be following this for two months, only if you really want to and love to take part you can.



                              **There is NO COMPULSION to follow this**


1.       People with thyroid or any other medical condition consult with your doctor or if you already have an idea on ‘what not to take’ – SKIP THEM

2.       People with allergies to any of the mentioned food items – SKIP THEM

3.       In case you find anything is allergic to you in the process – SKIP THEM



PS: The items listed here could be expensive but less expensive than the tablets and doctor visits, the change could take two months or even more but I tell you it’s permanent and you will love eating all the healthy foods.

Good Luck <3  

Aiswarya Pandiyan


  1. The effort you put to gather these info and sharing it with us, inspires me alot...💪💪great work..💯💯

  2. Truly inspiring and useful information 👍. Thank you.

  3. How many days after delivery can I follow this


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